Today I'm grumpy. It all started when I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Got to work on time though. Only to find that I was not scheduled from 10:15- 2:30 like I have been for the past 1 1/2 months. No. That would be too easy. I'm scheduled to close from 4-midnight. I went home and canceled the appointment to pick out all of our new flooring with Chad and his mom. And also had to cancel our one date night of the week. Yeah! Awesome!
Well I'm going to go buy myself some spicy chicken nuggets from Wendy's and get ready for work. Just in time for Chad to come home from work and kiss me goodbye.
Today could have been an AWESOME day. But instead it decided to bird poop on all my plans.
P.S. Next post won't be so negative. I promise.
No fun! Hope tmrw is better for you!